4 letter words

training-typing-4-letters-words-left-curly bracket-and-right-curly bracket

{ }


Level 161 Training - 4 letter words: { }

Level description:

4 letter words.

Typing words of various sizes demands greater accuracy to minimize errors. Training with different word lengths can enhance your focus and attention to detail, reducing the likelihood of typos.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Document Stand : Use a document stand to place reference materials at eye level, reducing neck strain.
  2. Micro-Breaks : Take micro-breaks every few minutes to relax your hands and wrists and improve blood circulation.
  3. Auditory Confirmation : Enable audio feedback for typed characters to improve accuracy.
  4. Relax Between Sessions : Relax your hands and wrists between typing sessions.
  5. Type Complete Sentences : Focus on typing full sentences for context and coherence.


Remember, touch typing mastery takes time and deliberate practice. Keep challenging yourself, stay patient, and over time, you'll develop the skills to type quickly and accurately without looking at the keyboard.
